Daughter Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Out Against Gay Marriage
If this daughter of 2 mommies felt
like she would have been better off if she grew up with parents who are a
Mom and Dad, WHO are these politically correct assholes to dare condem
her for telling her experience AND say it's wrong? (espeically which
they aren't the least bit privy to)?
Well I should have grown up with Homo Parents!, I was Screaming in the
womb, any idiot would know, I was a "Special Baby", That doesn't mean
I'm going to go Public & rip my Hetero Parents to shreads, Heather
is a Little Princess with a Daddy Fixation. It's her HUSBAND people
should feel sorry for, not her.
You were not in her head when she was a
child growing up. She wished she had a traditional nuclear family.
Something didn't seem right to her without a father. Her life, her
feelings: who are you to judge?
HMMMM, A major, (but well deserved)
Bitch Slapping!) Suck it up spiralcosmosart, Medieval morallity &
culture is finally starting to die.
+Ju'Nelle Brown
Oh my, my "Yin Yang" is out of Whack, I feel like such a Bastard. The
only real Victim in this story is Heather's Husband, He's stuck with a
Childish Psychopath looking for a Father Figure, a Jodi Arias/ Casey
Anthony wanna be.
+Martha Marvelette
Gender balance and of male and female energy is a concept of everything
sacred, natural, and holy. And it's not necessarily a sexual thing.
Gender estrangement i bad and it happens and with homosexuality: there
is an obvious physical component to gender estrangement that is suspect.
Homosexuality = 100% sterile sex with no reproductive results.
+Ju'Nelle Brown
There's 2 types of coercion: There's overt rape and then there is
psychological rape. Homosexuality by default is suspect to whether
or not it was coerced because it's a completely 100% sterile form of
sex with no chance of continuing the reproduction of the human species.
I personally have met homosexuals who leveled with me and said to "I
can't be heterosexual" They said they tried to be hetero and wanted to
be heterosexual, but it didn't work out for them so they had to come
out of the closet.
I have Never "suffered" from Opposite Sex Attraction, I have as much chance of changing my orientation as I do, my eye color.
+Ju'Nelle Brown
You say as a lesbian (a female homosexual) you never want to be a dude?
Really? If there was such a thing as a detachable biological living
penis that would allow either you or your lover to experience what it's
like to have a biological penis, where you or her orgasms through the
penis, (but you could detach it re-attach it as easily as you do with
strap on dildos), you're saying you would never have sex with that?
Good Lord how limited are you
"spiralcosmosart", Try having someone eat your Box till your nose
bleeds, You'll never want to see another "Penis" for as long as you
Goodbye to you as well. I support that
child does not need both to be well adjusted and i am secure in the
fact that i think anyone who uses a cuss word to refer to children is
not someone i wouldnt not show contempt. For but i hold no contempt i
just don't give you any merit which i am allowed to do.
Lesbian Mom should have shopped at the
Sperm Bank, she could have avoided the Poor Me Princess Gene that seems
to dominate Miss Heathers Life. A Lesbian daughter would have been so
much easier too!
+Martha Marvelette
I get it? Sounds like a bunch of heterophobic misandronist hate
rhetoric Men are just sperm donors? Just milk em' for their gism?
Don't have any true bonding between the 2 complimentary and opposite
Any "Bond" between 2 Loving Parents is a good thing, It doesn't depend
on the Orientation of the couple. Heather's Daddy didn't want to be
anything more than a "Jizz" donation, he was smart, Heather is a
simpering, spoiled cry baby, I'm sure Daddy's life was much better
without her.