Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Ding Dong The Quack Cunt loses Custody 02-08-2020uPDATE

Danny Panzella  YOU're out of your fucking mind and you probably enjoy seeing helpless little defenseless boys humiliated in unimaginably sick ways.  That quack cunt deserves to lose all medical practice cerification and should be locked up along wirh Judge & Jury who favored her last October.

Danny Panzella I'm just going to stay absolutely happy for the rest of the day knowing  there's at least 1 child,  1 victory against latent pedocidal lost deranged & misguided pervert enabling motherfuckers like yourself and the pack of absolutely insane libtards ilk that festers.  Homosexuality & Gender dysphoria is a coerced artificial situation of birth defects from toxins  & gender estangement trauma in the environment.  Its not a goal & never should be encouraged to fester as "normal".  There's enough former LGBT testifying it was a reaction to trauma peer pressure normalizing that shit from pedophiles and deluded liberals.  It never was anything else.  Have a nice day with your pervert fantasies on children forbidden from happening as often as you claim they should with the quack cunt from Texas villified away from children too.

Danny Panzella Show the link for the transcripts & documents yourself and the context so we all can all sleep well knowing you're at least only partially the lying cynical sack of shit  douchebag who claims you know-it-all. Its obvious you're a  weasely conniving bullshitting troll.  I mean why stop detracting and bursting our bubbles that  Ann Georgula isn't  Dr. Mengele really isn't the child abusinf cunt to be condemned?  Play on the emotions of friends, family members, of adult survivors of child abuse & parents some more that the Cunt ivory tower unworthy monster Dr. Mengele a.k.a.  is really just a Lilly white benevolent angel? .  Dumbfuck complacent yuppies and the fraud quack medical profession is all the same: Heartless pieces of spineless  shit in Lab coats in ivory towers with sugar coated shit eating sadistic duper's delight grins at the next heartless demise of a helpless innocent child. Rot in piss sadists creeps and eat shit and die worldwide.

  • Stephen Cosmos Arthur Danny Panzella You Still post no links supporting your claim The Mom really wasn't essentially a sick wicked cunt turning the male child she gave birth to (not genetically hers) into essentially a Eunach bitch toy freak of nature and castrating him? . You ask did my mom force something on me ? Not as bad as your Mom forced you to be spineless pussywhipped cowardly bitch thing in complete boldfaced denial that Manchausen by Proxy cunt mommies exist & Anne Georgela is one. SO that kind of means you are mindfucked & mentally castrated way more than me.
  • Stephen Cosmos Arthur Danny Panzella SIMP yuppy guys in the covert closet w/ hoodwinked naive wives for sugar daddy cock, when such guys have some kind of bizarre hobby with little boys, are some of the worst people in the world. If only there was a way terminate them all at once we'd rid the world of a major fatal tumor.
  • Danny Panzella Stephen Cosmos Arthur i dont want you to take my word for it. And i dont want to post links that you will say are from a biased source. If you care to know the truth its your responsibility to find it.
  • Danny Panzella Stephen Cosmos Arthur (cc: Larry Smart here it is, this more for your benefit than the troll Stephen Cosmos)
    39) Respondent (the father) engaged in inappropriate and hurtful treatment of the Girls.
    40) The Girls were good, sweet, hardworking well-man
    • tephen Cosmos Arthur (cc: Larry Smart here it is, this more for your benefit than the troll Stephen Cosmos)
      39) Respondent (the father) engaged in inappropriate and hurtful treatment of the Girls.
      40) The Girls were good, sweet, hardworking well-man
      nered children.
      41) Respondent forced the Girls to do plank push up for extended periods of time while
      reaing the "house rules" until the Girls cried.
      42) Respondent would lock down the Girls* room and remove all their possession from
      their rooms and would not let them participate in family activities.
      43) Respondent would put the Girls in "silent treatment" and they could not talk unless
      spoken to for many, many days.
      44) Respondent's actions caused barm to the Girls.
      45) One of the Girls developed a suicide plan
      46) The other Girl was cutting herself.
    • Danny Panzella Larry Smart

      The marriage between these two was annulled because he was a liar. He lied about how many times he had been married before, he lied about his income, lied about his previous work, about his military service. She bought his a truck which he then sold without telling her. So she sued him for that.
    • Liberal Mom Forces Son to be Transgender? - The Younger Case
      Liberal Mom Forces Son to be Transgender? - The Younger Case
      Liberal Mom Forces Son to be Transgender? - The Younger Case

  • Stephen Cosmos Arthur Divorce going into courts is a nasty mudslinging fest that's difficult to discern as arm chair critics far away from scenes of crimes. There is no doubt. I am not taking a position the father was entirely innocent, nor even that he necessarily deserves custody of children, but cunt quack ex-wife crossed a real unprecedented line of pushing perversion horribly wrong and needs ro be terminated from all contact & "expertise" with children. She is afflicted with mentally illness.

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