Monday, May 11, 2020


🌺 ANIMUS POSSESSION vs. ANIMUS OBSESSION πŸ† by Facebook user Anna Tara Furst

A womans animus is the sum of cognitions she came to about men.
A mans anima is the sum of cognitions he came to about women.
(It might be necessary to define "cognitions", if so, please alert me to that.)

An animus possessed woman is the generally aggressively defensive woman who bitches about men all the time, who does not take even the possibility that what a man says or does might be right or of value into account, who thinks she can do it all (being a man/exerting the male qualities) better than they ever could, she is the classical ideological 3rd/4th wave feminist who despises men and does not want anything to be equal, she wants revenge and to dominate men (bc they are eternally bad, incompetent and the root of all problems). She lets her shadow-animus out whenever there is a chance for it (hence possessed), this is not being independent at all, it is being counterdependent. If she gets into sexual situations with men, she generally dominates, bc he cannot do that right either. This is the woman who gets angry when a man shows her agape and even more so, if a woman does disagree with her worldview.

An animus obsessed woman is needy towards men, she is the damsel in distress. She wants men - the white knights - to save her, she wants to be sexually desired for an unconsciously dishonest reason, that being to bind him to her, bc she "needs" him in a directly dependent way to feel somewhat "wholer". Her animus is oppressed, hence, she does not exert her male qualities and therefore is dependent on someone "doing all that" for her. She is obsessed with "finding" the animus on the outside/in someone else while she represses her own animus/her own male qualities in herself. This is the woman who tries to direct agape shown by a man towards eros relentlessly and then/or gets disinterested if he does not fall for that. Falling for it would mean he would agree to going into this role for her (very probably for his own ego-reasons) and she would up her demands towards him very rapidly.

This here is the irony of it all:
Just like men who are anima obsessed need to learn to exert their female qualities (optimally or in the end in a healthy way) instead of being needy towards women in general or towards a "special" woman who is a good anima projection canvas for them, women who are animus obsessed need to learn to exert their own male qualities (optimally or in the end in a healthy way).
Both versions are not in wholeness, the animus possessed woman is not in peace/love with her animus hence integrated either. She has given up on men, and she is not able to receive exerted male energy/fruits of exerted male qualities from a man, even if it is healthy energy/good fruits and done with the right intention from him. She behaves like an utter assface towards men, expecting and therefor recreating her old traumas on the outside and again and again with her own behavior.
Just like an anima possessed man has given up on women. He is the type who eternally mistrusts women (hence, he cannot receive exerted female energy/fruits of exerted female qualities) and at the same time, unconsciously tries to get women to bash him down or leave, very likely in the exact manner his mother did to him only once or all the time. He behaves like an utter assface towards woman, expecting and therefor recreating his old traumas on the outside and again and again with his own behavior.

I did not even remotely write everything out i would have to say about all that, in regards to both imbalanced versions of both genders.
I could go deeper into what the encountering of either of the two male version "does" to a woman instantly, and into the internal workings and landscapes of either of the two female versions, i would have to associate into it more tho.
(Glad to do it, it also came up recently in a highly inspirational and motivational link with Stephen πŸ’š).

I could also talk about the various testable configurations of animus-integrated woman, if you are interested in that.

Furthermore, on my contemplation/self-care tour this Tuesday, i have "entschlossen" myself that i will authentically and in full honesty answer all questions that get asked here about my own journey in this life in regards to this whole topic and bear every beautiful and gruesome detail about it from my own very not-boring life of getting to an integrated animus. Additionally, i will - in an anonymized form oc - bring further examples and the reasons behind them from ppl i have worked with on these issues over the years if parts of their stories would provide some more valuable insight for y'all.



  1. The continuation of this posting can be found at for everyone who is interested in this topic.


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