Monday, June 5, 2023

6-6-2023 My stance is now full heterocentric see for more details:


There is very little middle ground anymore!





For a long time I used to reconcile with the libtard majority in LeftCoast states, go along to get along virtue signalling that some people are so utterly incapable of being heterosexual and are hardwired with hormones or whatever to where they cannot help being sexually attracted to their same gender, that it's not their fault and they're better off experiencing some end to to their loneliness being homosexual.  

No longer so.  To take that position would be an anathema and disrespect to the child me to who was a victim of fag grooming when that boy between 7 years old and 10 years old.   If you are verbally, emotionally, physically and psychologically abused by the opposite gender and berated by them to the point of complete fear of being exploited by them, a child or an undeveloped mind is inclined to fawn blindly after predators and perverts who offer relief.



  I do not have a physically gay inclination, I never did, but the child me was vulnerable, too undeveloped and experimented and acquiesced from imposition. 

If the community where I lived  that aided and abetted the groomers of me  were even more deliberate in their gross criminal child negligence  had been even more subtle, deliberate, and more enticing, I might've been a homosexual as an adult too, and in this day and age agreed to far worse: a mutilated transvestite freak that agrees to have his own dick cut off.

I'm pretty sure that there is a far worse same version of the same dirty tricks of how youth are groomed today into far worse. 


So even though I respect some pretty damn mature adult homosexuals who keep their activities quite private and entirely between their monogamous partner, without promiscuity. and I think they have the legal right to live that way out of the closet free from harassment or job discrimination (with the exception of maybe in the military).  Even though for all apparent reality what they do is their own damn business and for all intensive purposes they lead some pretty damn productive and happy lives ostensibly, the facade of a charlatan, whore, or a professional actor is obviously deceptive.  No one can deny the double lives people sometimes live and their ability to suspend belief.  

And even though I am heterphobic too like homosexuals, and understand a certain amount of being so repulsed by the prospect of a dumb bitch exploiting me, using me to get knocked up to where I feel no choice but to live working at a dead end job, in such a way that stunts true spiritual heterosexual good Daddy opportunities, 

but to take that deranged leap of gay sex or transvestite transgenderism  for me would be something beyond  that's unimaginable by me.  It's not much of stretch to see how a lot of fags are attracted to straight guys stunted with celibacy from an abusive mom, and see us as on the fence with our contempt and fear of brow beating psychotic feminists exploiting men.    


No doubt lesbian recruitment works the exact same way from women with fucked up pervert uncles, fathers, brothers,  and others in their families domination or in imposition which they perceive constitutes much maligned "the patriarchy" and is a major component in feminism clambumping and carpet munching rite of passage.

Words can't describe the fags who've propositioned me over the years and how I nearly beat the shit out of at least one of them jerking off in public

 and the utter shame at the kind of fucked up over the top competitive game rigged against me from early child abuse to trust women and have such failed superficial fuck flings with women out of stupid lust either.  Heterosexual insane   lust idiocy is part of the problem too, but so is prude proud asexual fake heterosexuality.


1 of these straight allies with fag, virtue signallers writes on twitter: "Every f-ing month is “straight pride”. 

 To which I say:

False! That's b.s. #okgroomer #pridemonth A person truly pursuing or maintaining a lasting loving monogamous heterosexual relationship & all that responsibility that entails is coveted by #heterophobia from fellow heterosexuals far worse.  #okgroomer Fugly old libtard dorks defending #pridemonth don't count as knowing anything about heterosexual pride, especially when he virtue signals he's straight, & once upon a time his piggly wiggly little dick did knock up the dumb bitch he's been with 20+ to 50+ years. #heterophobia    #okgroomer So you deny homosexuality and transgenderism & all the blatantly gaudy flamboyant LGBTQ+ #pridemonth b.s isn't encouraged by f-ugly heterosexuals & bisexuals #heterophobia, jealous & loving mating competition reduced & genocide happening?

I'm not quite full Westboro baptist Church Wrathful for my imposition, but since I see where society is going and how the faggots&dykes or equally as bad heterosexual addict of porn prostitutes or superficial relationships, or the opposite extreme of puritanicaly prude frigid asexual psychopathy of "straights" and hysterical prudeness are all going: 

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

ALL biblically burn in their lust FOR addictions to 1 extreme or another! 

There are eventual consequences for doing something stupid in mad craving and entitlement for gratification like all addicts.

AND This whole #TERF movement is chickens come home to roost with the Left eating itself.

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