Monday, March 15, 2021

EX-Mormon Shawn Mccraney's youtube channel search "sex" Is Sex Marriage? | What is Marriage?


I don't know who Shawn Mccraney is exactly but ex-Mormonism while proclaiming to still be Christian or adapting another Faith with core Christian values is a very interesting perspective: 

 #ShawnMcCraney #EthanFoster #SteveUtley

[CAT 98] Transgenderism




Every Mormon I've ever met and from what I've studied persistently paint a picture of a faith that is adamantly heterosexual and usually monogamous (the exception being the old residual factions and cults that are still polygamous).


 They're like one of the last truly fruitful reproductive mostly White people in the United States with some semblence of cohesive families.  Obviously there's some dark sides of pushing that optimal ideal that goes into puritanical scare tactics


Here' are the amount single households in Utah alone relative to other places:


Is Sex Marriage? | What is Marriage?